Child's Play Day Care
Sheboygan Day Care

"...I love reading about Cole's experiences on his daily report sheet - it is very comforting. He has already begun learning about routine, sharing, being sociable and being creative. I would definitely recommend Child's Play to any family looking for care and education."

Chuck & Natalie Gierke

Infant & Toddler


Music, puppets and sign language are very much a part of the curriculum for children under two years of age.  Our toddler program emphasizes language development, coordination skills, self directed activities, sensory development and self help skills.

Hands-On Learning

Infants and toddlers are given many opportunities throughout the day to explore their surroundings.  Our teachers facilitate this exploration by offering age appropriate toys, manipulatives, books, and experiences to your child.  In the toddler classrooms, you will receive ideas for activities that you and your child can do together at home to help reinforce what they are learning at Child’s Play.

Mental/Social Stimulation

Our developmentally appropriate infant and toddler program stresses the importance of nurturing, security and love.  Our infant teachers observe, hold, feed, nurture, rock, coo, talk, sing, smile, listen and read to your baby.  We believe that individualization is very important at this stage of development.  Teachers are one-on-one with your baby many times during the day. Our toddler program, while still focusing on the individual child, introduces cooperation and sharing among friends.  Teachers act as facilitators and role models during social interactions.

Infant Formula & Baby Food

All infant formula and strained foods both commercially and home prepared are provided by the parents.  Formulas should be ready to serve or pre-mixed. We cannot be responsible for mixing infant formula. All leftover formula and bottles will be sent home each night with your baby. 

Rest Time

Child's Play will provide your child with a crib (12 months or younger) or a cot for napping.  We also provide the bedding, such as sheets and blankets. If parents prefer, they may bring in a small blanket for their child.  If your child needs a security item, please bring it into the center so that your child may rest more comfortably.  All infants under 1 year of age are placed on their backs to sleep.

Infant Agreement

An Infant Agreement (contract) will be signed at the time you enroll your infant.  The contract will state that your family is guaranteed an infant slot for a specific start date.  Often, the next available infant opening is a year or more away.  Infant registration includes a $60 registration fee (renewed annually in August for $45) and a $100 deposit.  Existing families need only pay a $50 deposit to reserve the next available infant opening.


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